Command-line interface

The AEStream command-line interface (CLI) provides a mean to read some input and stream to some output. We support a wide range of inputs and outputs.

The CLI interface requires an input, but an optional output and takes the following form:

aestream input <input source> [output <output sink>]

Supported Inputs




DAVIS, DVXplorer

Inivation DVS Camera over USB

input inivation

EVK Cameras

Prophesee DVS camera over USB

input prophesee


AEDAT file format as .aedat, .aedat4, .dat, .raw, or .csv

input file x.aedat4


ZeroMQ input

input zmq

Inivation and Prophesee cameras

Streams camera data from Inivation or Prophesee cameras via USB. Note that this requires that you installed and configured the appropriate drivers, see the installation instructions.

File inputs

Streams data from a file. The file type is inferred from the file extension. Supported file types are .aedat, .aedat4, .dat, .raw, and .csv.

By default, the files will be played back at the same speed as they were recorded. We assume events are streamed with microsecond time resolution, but this can be changed by specifying --time-unit with either us, ms, or s, e.g. --time-unit ms. If you wish to stream the events as fast as possible, simply add the --ignore-time flag.

ZMQ inputs

Streams data from a ZeroMQ socket. The socket defaults to tcp://, but can be customized with the sock option in the CLI, e.g. input zmq sock tcp://

Supported outputs





Standard output (default output)

output stdout

Ethernet over UDP

Outputs to a given IP and port using the SPIF protocol

output udp 1234


Output to .aedat4 or comma-separated-value files (CSV)

output file my_file.aedat4

Ethernet over UDP

Streams data to a given IP and port using the SPIF protocol. The IP and port are specified as arguments to the output udp command. You can modify the buffer size with the --buffer-size option, e.g. --buffer-size 1024 (default). This is handy when working with high-speed or resource constrained networks.

File outputs

Saves events to a file, whose format is inferred from the file extension. Supported file types are .aedat4 and .csv/.txt. Example: ... output file my_file.aedat4.