# Command-line interface The AEStream command-line interface (CLI) provides a mean to **read** some input and **stream** to some output. We support a wide range of inputs and outputs. The CLI interface *requires* an input, but an *optional* output and takes the following form: ```bash aestream input [output ] ``` ## Supported Inputs | Input | Description | Usage | | --------- | :----------- | ----- | | DAVIS, DVXplorer | [Inivation](https://inivation.com/) DVS Camera over USB | `input inivation` | | EVK Cameras | [Prophesee](https://www.prophesee.ai/) DVS camera over USB | `input prophesee` | | File | [AEDAT file format](https://gitlab.com/inivation/inivation-docs/blob/master/Software%20user%20guides/AEDAT_file_formats.md) as `.aedat`, `.aedat4`, `.dat`, `.raw`, or `.csv` | `input file x.aedat4` | | ZMQ | [ZeroMQ](https://zeromq.org/) input | `input zmq` ### Inivation and Prophesee cameras Streams camera data from Inivation or Prophesee cameras via USB. Note that this requires that you installed and configured the appropriate drivers, see the [installation instructions](install). ### File inputs Streams data from a file. The file type is inferred from the file extension. Supported file types are `.aedat`, `.aedat4`, `.dat`, `.raw`, and `.csv`. By default, the files will be played back at the same speed as they were recorded. We assume events are streamed with microsecond time resolution, but this can be changed by specifying `--time-unit` with either `us`, `ms`, or `s`, e.g. `--time-unit ms`. If you wish to stream the events as fast as possible, simply add the `--ignore-time` flag. ### ZMQ inputs Streams data from a ZeroMQ socket. The socket defaults to `tcp://`, but can be customized with the `sock` option in the CLI, e.g. `input zmq sock tcp://`. ## Supported outputs | Output | Description | Usage | | --------- | ----------- | ----- | | STDOUT | Standard output (default output) | `output stdout` | Ethernet over UDP | Outputs to a given IP and port using the [SPIF protocol](https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spif) | `output udp 1234` | | File | Output to [`.aedat4`](https://gitlab.com/inivation/inivation-docs/blob/master/Software%20user%20guides/AEDAT_file_formats.md#aedat-40) or comma-separated-value files (CSV) | `output file my_file.aedat4` | ### Ethernet over UDP Streams data to a given IP and port using the SPIF protocol. The IP and port are specified as arguments to the `output udp` command. You can modify the buffer size with the `--buffer-size` option, e.g. `--buffer-size 1024` (default). This is handy when working with high-speed or resource constrained networks. ### File outputs Saves events to a file, whose format is inferred from the file extension. Supported file types are `.aedat4` and `.csv`/`.txt`. Example: `... output file my_file.aedat4`.