Python usage

AEStream provides three Python classes that can be used to stream events: FileInput, USBInput, and UDPInput. The FileInput class also supports deterministic reading, which is useful to load and process files and datasets.

For each input below we provide example scripts. More examples can be found in our example folder.

Please note the examples may require additional dependencies (such as Norse for spiking networks or PySDL for rendering). To install all the requirements, simply stand in the aestream root directory and run pip install -r example/requirements.txt


AEStream can process fixed input sources like files like so:

FileInput("file", (640, 480)).load()

Example: Reading a file: python3 example/

Example: Streaming a file: python3 example/


Note: This requires installed drivers for Inivation or Prophesee cameras. Read more in our installation guide.

AEStream also supports streaming data from event cameras in real-time. This is particularly useful to feed data directly into an algorithm, PyTorch model, or even a live, running neuromorphic system.

# Stream events from a DVS camera over USB
with USBInput((640, 480)) as stream:
    while True:
        frame = # Provides a (640, 480) Numpy tensor 

You can specify either Inivation or Prophesee cameras by passing the camera argument to the USBInput constructor: USBInput((640, 480), camera=Camera.Inivation).

Example: Displaying a video of streaming events: python3 example/

Example: Detecting edges with a neural network: python3 example/


AEStream implements the “SPIF” UDP event protocol that allows us to both send, but also receive events. The UDPInput reads events and serves them ready for processing in frames as below. Note that the events are expected to follow the protocol.

# Stream events from UDP port 3333 (default)
with UDPInput((640, 480), port=3333) as stream:
    while True:
        frame = # Provides a (640, 480) Numpy tensor

Example: Print number of events received over UDP: python3 example/

Example: Record frames over UDP: python3 example/


We interface SynSense Speck via ZMQ to directly stream events from the camera, or after one of the layers have processed the incoming camera events. This integration is therefore ideal for just offloading events or post-processing the Speck events.

Note: this requires using the JitZMQStreamer filter from the Samna documentation.

with SpeckInput() as stream:
    while True:
        frame = # Provides a (128, 128) Numpy tensor

Usage with PyTorch, Numpy, or Jax

AEStream is built with Nanobind that can directly expose arrays in various memory formats, including PyTorch, Numpy, and Jax. You can directly decide which backend to use by passing a backend argument to the read function:

with FileInput(...) as stream:
  •"numpy") returns a Numpy array (default)

  •"torch") returns a PyTorch tensor

  •"jax") returns a Jax array